The gender profile associated with all ED events was similar for Māori (50.9% males and 49.1% females) and non-Māori (51.1% males and 48.8% females).
The average ED arrival to assessment time for Māori patients was 66 mins compared to 68 mins for non-Māori.
The ED LOS (Length of Stay) for Māori patients was 189 mins compared to 193 mins for non-Māori.
The ward LOS for Māori patients was 68 hours compared to 73 hours for non-Māori.
15% of Māori patients encountered access block compared to 19% of non-Māori.
0.4% of Māori patients died in ED or within 10 days of ED discharge compared to 0.6% of non-Māori patients.
4% of both Māori and non-Māori patients re-presented at ED within 72 hours of ED/ward discharge.
2% of both Māori and non-Māori patients had a hospital readmission within 72 hours of ED/ward discharge.
After controlling for year, gender, age at presentation, triage category, NZDep decile, and M3 Index score: